A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Loaded Die is a puzzle platformer where you play as a die that can give and take it's pips from other dice.

Work your way through 8 levels to become the ultimate die!


Move Left/RightA/Dd-pad L/R
Change FacesW/Sd-pad U/D
Roll Left/RightQ/ELB/RB
Take PipRA
Give PipFB

Controller is supported, but all the in-game button prompts are for keyboard.

This project is the work of a solo dev for GMTK Game Jam 2022.

Dice assets were created by me for this project. All other assets (sounds, tiles, font) are courtesy of https://kenney.nl/.

The engine used was Godot.


loaded-die-windows.zip 18 MB
Version v0.1.5 Jul 26, 2022
loaded-die-linux.zip 18 MB
Version v0.1.5 Jul 26, 2022


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Fun game!